Minecraft APK 1.19.50

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Minecraft game is always a sought-after game every day, with continuous development and improvement, Minecraft version 1.19.50 APK was officially released. This version has brought many players new and interesting experiences. Below, what I experienced, we will explore every detail of this update to see why it is so popular.

Information about Minecraft

Tên Minecraft
Compatible with Android 5.0 +
Version 1.19.50
Capacity 171 M
Category minecraft
Developer Mojang
Price Free
Path to Play Store

About Minecraft

The official version of Minecraft 1.19.50 APK has been released, after several beta versions. Finally, this version has been perfected in the best possible way. In this version, we still hear the name Mojang, the official publisher for this version (just to say that no matter which version it is, Mojang Studio developed it).

The vast sandbox world brings new changes every day, just like Minecraft 1.19.50 APK PE Official version. With outstanding improvements, additional features, and some new points introduced, this version is extremely comprehensive. Trust me, it's really amazing! If you don't believe it, let's explore the features and improvements in the sections below.

Spectator Mode

Spectator Mode is a noteworthy feature in this Minecraft 1.19.50 update. This feature used to exist in experimental form, but now it has officially become an integral part of the game. Specifically:

  • Does not display the hotbar, crosshair, XP, health, hunger, or even armor.
  • Can fly without moving on the ground.
  • Easily pass through blocks and objects.
  • See inside blocks or other objects from any point or position.
  • Does not take damage and is not affected by creatures, items, or any effects.
  • Cannot interact with blocks, creatures, or other items.
  • Becomes invisible and cannot be seen, like a white shadow.

Spectator Mode allows players to explore in a unique way, enabling them to discover the Minecraft world from an entirely new perspective or even act as an audience to observe everything.

New Touch Controls

In this version, Minecraft 1.19.50 APK Beta has also improved touch controls significantly. This makes it easier to operate the game on touch devices. Additionally, you can choose different touch control methods, such as:

  • Joystick & tap to interact: Use the joystick button and tap to interact.
  • Joystick & aim crosshair: Use the joystick and crosshair to aim and interact.
  • D-Pad & tap to interact: Use the D-Pad and tap to interact.

What do you think? Everything allows you to customize how you control the game based on your personal preferences.

New Characters and Skins

Minecraft 1.19.50 APK not only provides new features but also allows you to customize your character as you like. In addition to the default characters like Steve and Alex, you can choose from new characters such as Sunny, Kai, Makena, Zuri, Efe, Ari, and Noor. In total, there will be 9 characters for you to choose from. You can also change the costume style to give your character a unique look. I'm already excited to experience this.

New Updates for Blocks

This update also comes with many improvements, especially for the blocks in the game. For example:

Sound effects for doors: Different types of doors now have sound effects when opening and closing, similar to the Java version. This creates a more immersive and realistic gaming experience.

Adjusted Pressure Plates: Pressure Plates are now adjusted with different heights based on their behavior, making them more consistent with the Java version.

Wooden Buttons with sound: Wooden buttons now have sound when pressed, introducing some new surprises.

Unique sounds for Crimson and Warped blocks: Although a minor change, it adds interesting details.

Enhanced sound effects when breaking redstone blocks: Changes make the sound more appealing, providing a more authentic player experience.

Arrows no longer constantly vibrate when hitting blocks and gradually sink: An improvement to provide the most realistic feeling possible.

Mobs can swim underwater to find their way in blocks: Something new and intriguing, which I tried first when using this v1.19.50 version.

Particle effects and sound when breaking blocks: Unlike before, this change makes it more realistic.

Coral Fans can be placed next to Slabs: A surprising and interesting addition.

Improvements to Mobs (Creatures)

This update doesn't just focus on new features and blocks; it also adjusts certain aspects of creatures in the game. Some noteworthy points include:

  • Increased speed of Baby Villagers: Now, Baby Villagers run faster, similar to the Java version.
  • Extended follow range for Enderman: Enderman can now follow you from a greater distance, providing more significant challenges in the game.
  • Jump Boost and Slow Falling affect controlled creatures (Pay attention to this).
  • Currently, when you breed a creature with applied effects, the offspring will inherit those effects, and they will persist permanently.
  • Armor Stands drop custom items when destroyed, enhancing your character's personality.

Other Experimental Features

In addition to the above improvements and main features, this Minecraft 1.19.50 APK Mobile update also comes with some interesting small experimental features. Specifically, these points are as follows:

  • New bamboo blocks: Added for crafting scaffolding or kites.
  • Llama caravan: Living in desert villages and can carry up to 2 players.
  • Chiseled Bookshelf: Hollowed-out bookshelves used for storing books, pens, or notes.
  • Hanging signs: Placed below or next to blocks to mark important points.


Minecraft 1.19.50 APK version is a major update, bringing a variety of new changes and improvements. While this version still has some small experimental updates, I assure you that it won't disappoint you.

That's what I have researched and experienced personally. How about you? What do you think of this Minecraft 1.19.50 APK Download version? Feel free to leave your comments below!


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